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Sodium dichloroacetate is an organic compound with the formula C6H3Cl2Na. It is a white solid and one of two known sodium dichloroacetates, the other being sodium dimercaptopropanesulfinic acid. As a thick, viscous liquid it can be difficult to handle, but concentrated solutions are used in organic synthesis for their reactions with halogens such as chlorine in chlorination and sulfonyl chloride in acetylation. The dichloroacetate anion has been noted for its antitumor activities and therapeutic uses.

Sodium dichloroacetate exists as a mesomeric mixture of (S)- and (R)-isomers. Due to the similarities between water, nitrogen dioxide and sodium dichloroacetate, many researchers have argued that protein folding occurs via a water-protein hydration process, but that this is actually due to the interactions between water and nitrogen dioxide. The same authors also showed that sodium dichloroacetate could cause protein unfolding or denaturation when added in concentrations high enough for it to interact with detergent molecules in solution, thus conclusively demonstrating that it can interact with proteins.

It is used as an insecticide in combination with pyrethrum and in combination with a fungicide as an insecticide for fruit trees and vines. It is also used for the control of malaria-transmitting species of "Anopheles".

Research has been done showing that the chemical possesses potent anti-cancer properties, and is more effective than popular cancer treatment gemcitabine. In addition, sodium dichloroacetate has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, inhibiting TNFa release by monocytes and down regulating NFγB transcription factors. 


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